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Islamic Treatment For Infertility
Islamic Treatment For Infertility or dua to cure male infertility can be called wazifa to increase fertility in female. We will provide you dua for protection from infertility. Infertility is a major problem these days, and there is a lot of stress that is promoting this problem. And it is widespread, and it is increasing day by day with men and women both in different situations.
People are trying to get a solution for this major problem and want to get rid of it rapidly for their better future and child. Infertility leads to the pain of not having a child and a lot of conception problems. This is very disheartening for people, and they are looking for the best treatment to heal it and treat this problem of infertility.
Islamic Treatment For Infertility
Duas work more than medicines sometimes, and it is very true. Islam has a solution to every problem, and infertility treatment is a gift to all the couples by Allah who are facing infertility. Following this Islamic treatment before going to your doctor will assure hundred percent results and success to people. This Islamic dua is to be followed regularly, and it should be followed with all the love and faith to have a child. Follow this unique treatment and resolve this evil problem of infertility.
How to follow?
- Make fresh ablution and wear green clothes.
- Read durood-e-Ibraheem for five times a day.
- Read Surah Fatiha for seven times a day.
- Follow this Islamic prayer after sunrise.
- Read this holy Islamic dua after namaaz.
- Follow it for fifty-one days.
Wazifa To Increase Fertility In Female
Wazifa To Increase Fertility In Female, Love is the primary foundation of marriage, and marriage is like a forever happy bond for couples. Couples plan to have a happy marriage and do family planning to increase their happiness and secure their future. Family planning is an important aspect, and females play a major role in this process, and they are gifted to give birth to young ones and expand their happy world.
Couples do not leave any stone turned and wish to have a beautiful child as a mark of their love and marriage. Sometimes people try hard to get a child, but they are not successful due to multiple reasons, and women face a lot of different problems. The major problem a woman goes through is infertility, and she has to face a lot because of this problem, and she ends up feeling low. Women try every way out, but sometimes things are not in our control, and only God can heal them.
This wazifa to increase fertility helps all the women who wish to conceive and have a beautiful child. Women must follow this wazifa consistently, and this strong wazifa will bless them with the beautiful gift of life. This gift can only be presented by the lord of the universe and sort out infertility in women.
How to follow?
- Make fresh ablution and wear neat clothes.
- Read durood-e-Shareef for six times.
- Read “Raabi laa yadhaarni fardaan waa aanta khayaar ulwarithieen”.
- Follow this wazifa after namaaz.
Read this powerful wazifa for six weeks consistently
Islamic Dua To Cure Male Infertility
Islamic Dua To Cure Male Infertility, Husband and wife both are equally responsible for having children and expand their family with their choice. Everyone wishes to have healthy kids and live a happy life with them, but things do not go as per our plan. Men have this common problem of infertility these days, and it is increasing rapidly in males. This problem is due to stress and tension that is increasing every day, affecting people’s health.
There can be various reasons for male infertility, but treatments are not always successful and fruitful for males. Sometimes, men have to go through many treatments, but nothing works for them as medicines cannot heal every pain. This Islamic dua to cure male infertility will help all the men get their treatments done successfully and turn fertile soon.
This Islamic prayer works like a magical treatment, and following this dua before going for treatment will be very beneficial. It is very simple to perform this powerful Islamic prayer, and males can practice it very easily and must read it with faith, and men must believe in the power of this Islamic prayer and turn fertile and healthy soon.
How to follow?
- Take a fresh shower and wear clean attire.
- Read durood-e-Shareef for five times a day.
- Read Surah 106 for three times a day.
- Follow this dua after sunset.
- Recite this dua after reading namaaz and follow it consistently for twelve days before treatment.
Dua For Protection From Infertility
Dua For Protection From Infertility, Couples are very happy to marry and have children as this is the most beautiful phase. Everyone wishes to have beautiful kids and want their kids to be born happily. People wish to have healthy kids and do a lot of treatments to have a healthy baby. People follow many treatments to have safe pregnancy and conceive easily, but infertility is a major problem.
The causes behind infertility are many, but the solution is only with Allah, and that is the dua for protection from infertility, and this powerful dua protects you from infertility. This dua for protection is extremely powerful and extremely important for all couples. People must follow it every day to keep them away from infertility and have a healthy lifestyle. Men and women must take very good care of each other and follow this strong prayer.
This prayer is very simple to follow, and couples can follow it together with hope and fortune. Following the steps below will help you to protect yourself and your love from infertility.
How to follow?
- Take a shower and wear bright clothes.
- Read durood-e-Shareef for eleven times a day.
- Recite “yaa quawawyuu yaa moo eeenuo.”
- Read this dua for hundred times.
- Read this dua in the afternoon.
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#wazifa #to #increase #fertility #in
#female #dua #cure #male #protection