Powerful Wazifa To Break Magic

Powerful Wazifa To Break Magic

Powerful Wazifa To Break Magic or to get rid of black magic can be use for protection from magic. Use our wazifa to find out who is doing black magic. Jealousy, envy, and anger are the most negative feelings in humans. Some people are jealous of your success in life, career, and relationship.

Powerful Wazifa To Break Magic

Powerful Wazifa To Break Magic

Whenever they see that you are happy, the resort to magic to ruin your happiness, they cast spells and magic on you that create hurdles in your path. Suddenly, when things start going wrong, it is mostly because of magic and spells. Magic is effective, but to remove its effect, we need to pray to Almighty Allah. Doing a powerful wazifa to break magic is very successful in removing the ill-effects.

Many times, people who seem to be friendly are doing the magic for our failure or unhappy life. They can be relatives, too, who cannot stand to see our happiness. So, they resort to magic to spoil our lives. Whenever you see that your health, studies, or career is not how it was, perform powerful wazifa to break magic.

When we perform a powerful wazifa to break magic, we send our dua to Allah. If we do it with a pure heart and full devotion to Him, He accepts our dua. Allah blesses us and removes all the effects of magic on our family and us. To do this effective and powerful wazifa to break magic, recite the following dua fifteen times before going to sleep-

“Laaa Ilaahaa Illaaaa Annta Soobh aannaka Inneee Koontoo Minnaaz Aaleemeenn”

Every time you say this dua while performing the powerful wazifa to break magic, hold three fresh red rose petals in your hand. After reciting the dua, blow on the petals and keep them below your pillow and go to sleep after praying to Allah. Request Allah to break the magic spells on you to be happy, content, and successful once again.

Wazifa For Protection From Magic

Wazifa For Protection From Magic, In Islam, we consider magic of any kind as haram or prohibited. We should never indulge in any magic for our benefits. However, some people take shelter of magic to get what they want. Magic can do the following on a human-

  • If you do magic on someone, you can protect their mind and make them do evil deeds.
  • Magic can stop people from succeeding in life.
  • Magic can break marriages or separate families.

These are the most common reasons why people indulge in magic. We can never understand who wants our good and who wants us to fail. So, we should perform wazifa for protection from magic. People nowadays are jealous of others. They do not think twice before harming others. To harm others, resorting to magic is the best option. So, we need to be ready and pray to Allah to save us from the evil eye.

When we do the wazifa for protection from magic, we create a shield around us that magic cannot permeate. No magic spells can affect our family or us. Allah blesses us and saves us from the evil. But, before we perform the wazifa for protection from magic, we need to get involved in charity. Donating money to the poor, feeding birds and animals, being kind to all is important.

To perform the wazifa for protection from magic, recite the following dua seven times after the night prayer of Namaz-e-Shab-

Qaalaa Saanaashooddu Az’udaqa Bee-akheeqa Waa Najj-a’llu Laakuma Sultanann Faala Yasiluna-a Ilayqumaa Bi-aayaatina Antooama Waa Mannitt Tabaa-a’koomal Ghaalibun

When you do this daily, no harm can befall you, and you continue to rise in life. Have faith in Allah the Almighty. Keep on praying to Him every day and performing wazifa for protection from magic.

Wazifa To Get Rid of Black Magic

Wazifa To Get Rid of Black Magic, In today’s world, our enemies act like our friends. They do not show that they hate us, but actually, they want us to suffer. These people want our career, health, wealth, family, and everything to fall apart. So, they indulge in black magic, which is haram or prohibited in Islam, just for us to suffer. There is powerful and strong wazifa to get rid of black magic, but before you do it, you need to be sure that someone has done magic on you. We are also supply our services in hindi, if you are interested then read काला जादू हटाने का वजीफा.

You will see symptoms like your health will deteriorate. Your skin will become darker without any reason. You will lose your appetite and feel nauseous. You may also not respond to medicine to cure your health. These are the signs of black magic. If you think you have been a victim of it, then perform the following wazifa to eliminate black magic.

Firstly, read the Isha Namaz daily. But start on a Friday if you do not read it already. Then after doing this for a week, say the following dua seven times to perform the wazifa to get rid of black magic-

“Faakultus Tagfirroo Rabb Bakoomm Inn Nahoo  Kaa Naa Gaff Faaa Raa

After reading this wazifa to get rid of black magic, tie a black thread on your arm. If you are doing it for someone who is the victim, then tie it in his or her hand. Do not wear black color clothes at the time of doing the wazifa and do it on Friday before the sun goes down.

Wazifa To Find Out Who Is Doing Black Magic

Wazifa To Find Out Who Is Doing Black Magic, Whenever you feel that without any reason, you feel weak or distracted, it can be the effect of black magic. If you are successful in life, many people are jealous of you. Some even go the extent of doing black magic on you to stop your progress. Envious friends or relatives often appear to be well-wishers but harm us with black magic. So doing a wazifa to find out who is doing black magic is important. When you know who the person is doing black magic, you can avoid them.

When you perform wazifa to find out who is doing black magic, strengthen your intention to know the person. Do not keep guessing. If you do a wazifa to find out who is doing black magic, leave it to Allah to show you the person. Just have the utmost faith in Him and pray.

This wazifa to find out who is doing black magic takes almost two hours. Do it before going to sleep. Make sure that your room, bed, and clothes are clean before you do this. Open the prayer by reciting Durood Shareef eleven times. Now recite each of the following dua a hundred times-

Yaaaa Aleemoo Allimnee” and “Yaaaa Khabiroo Akhbeernee

Now, close your dua by saying the Durood Shareef eleven times again. Go to sleep immediately. Within 41 days, you will get to see the person who is doing black magic on you. Do not be distracted if you see demonic faces, as these are just distractions. Keep praying, and Allah will accept your dua and show you the real person.

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